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Money Management Strategies and Techniques in Trading


Money Management Strategies and Techniques in Trading

Money Management Strategies and Techniques in Trading

Vantage Updated Updated Mon, 2024 June 10 05:37

Money management in trading involves carefully planning and controlling your capital to potentially maximise returns while minimising losses. For contract for difference (CFD) traders, effective money management is crucial due to the high risks and volatility associated with these instruments. 

By implementing sound money management strategies, traders can better mitigate risks, protect their capital, and improve their chances of long-term success. Read on to discover key money management strategies and techniques that can improve your trading outcomes.

Key Points

  • Money management helps traders maximise potential returns and minimise losses by planning and controlling their trading risks.
  • Key money management techniques include position sizing, stop-loss, take-profit, trailing stop, risk-reward ratio and diversification.
  • Money management strategies must be adapted for different asset classes due to their unique characteristics and differing risk management requirements.

Key Money Management Techniques in Trading

Effective money management is crucial for CFD traders aiming to maximise profits and minimise losses. Implementing solid risk management strategies can significantly enhance trading outcomes. Here are some essential money management techniques:

Position Sizing

Determining the appropriate size for each trade is foundational to effective money management. Position sizing involves calculating the amount of capital to allocate to each trade based on your account balance and risk tolerance

A common method of position sizing is the 2% rule, which suggests risking no more than 2% of your available capital on a single trade [1].

Example using the 2% position sizing rule: Suppose you have a $10,000 trading account balance and you’re looking to trade stock CFDs. First, you will calculate the risk amount per trade, which should not exceed 2% of your total account balance based on the 2% position sizing rule. For a $10,000 account, this equals $200 per trade. Next, determine an appropriate stop-loss level; for instance, if you’re trading a stock CFD priced at $100, you might set the stop-loss at $95, risking $5 per stock. 

Then, calculate the position size by dividing the total risk amount ($200) by the risk per stock ($5), resulting in 40 stocks to trade. Finally, execute the trade by buying or shorting 40 stock CFDs, ensuring that if the price reaches the stop-loss level, your total loss will be limited to $200.

Stop-Loss and Take-Profit Orders

A stop-loss order is designed to limit potential losses you incur by automatically closing a position when the market price reaches a specified level. This helps prevent a small loss from turning into a much larger one, potentially protecting your trading capital.

A take-profit order on the other hand, helps lock in returns by automatically closing the position when the market price hits a predetermined target. This ensures that you secure your gains and avoid the risk of the market reversing and eroding your profits. However, this would also mean that you miss out on the potential for greater gains should the stock continue to rise beyond your target price.

Example of both a stop-loss and take-profit order: If you choose to go long on a stock CFD at $100 and set a stop-loss order at $95, your maximum losses per share is limited to $5. If you also set a take-profit order at $110, your position will be automatically closed when the price reaches this level, securing a profit of $10 per share. 

Trailing stop

A trailing stop order is a dynamic tool that adjusts its stop price as the market price moves favourably. It is set at a specific percentage or dollar amount away from the current market price and “trails” it. This order type helps protect gains by closing the position if the market reverses by the set trailing amount. Unlike a fixed stop-loss order, a trailing stop moves with the market, providing flexibility to capture more profit.

Example: Imagine you buy a stock CFD at $50 and set a trailing stop $5 below the market price. As the price rises to $60, the trailing stop adjusts to $55. If the price then falls to $55, the trailing stop triggers a market order to sell, locking in a $5 profit. 

This mechanism allows you to benefit from upward price movements while protecting against significant losses if the price drops.

Risk-Reward Ratio

Calculating the risk-reward ratio is vital for ensuring that the potential profits of a trade outweigh the potential losses, thereby guiding traders to make more informed and strategic decisions. 

The risk-reward ratio measures the relationship between the amount of risk taken on a trade and the potential reward it offers. It is calculated by dividing the expected return of a trade by the potential loss. A favourable risk-reward ratio means the potential profit significantly outweighs the potential loss, making the trade more appealing.

Example: Suppose you enter a trade at $50 with a target price of $80 and a stop-loss set at $40. The potential profit is $30 ($80 – $50), and the potential loss is $10 ($50 – $40). Dividing the potential profit by the potential loss gives a risk-reward ratio of 3:1. This means for every $1 risked, you stand to gain $3.


Diversification involves spreading your investments across different CFDs products to mitigate the risk associated with any single asset or market sector. This strategy is crucial in managing risk and stabilising returns, as it reduces the dependency on the performance of a single asset class. 

By diversifying, you spread the potential risk over a broader array of assets, thus minimising the impact of adverse movements in any one asset on your overall portfolio. Diversification can include different asset classes such as stocks, commodities, indices, and forex, each of which may react differently to the same market conditions.

Example: Instead of committing all your capital to CFDs of technology stocks, you might allocate portions of your investment to include CFDs of commodities like gold and oil, indices such as the S&P 500, and forex pairs like EUR/USD. 

If the technology sector experiences a downturn, the potential losses could be offset by gains or stability in commodities or forex, thus protecting your portfolio from significant losses and potentially providing a more stable return over time.

3 Factors to Consider When Building a Money Management Plan in Trading

When building a money management plan for trading, several crucial factors must be considered to ensure a balanced and effective approach. These factors help in tailoring the plan to your personal financial situation, risk appetite, and trading objectives, ultimately enhancing your potential for success.

Risk Tolerance

Risk tolerance refers to the amount of risk you’re willing to take on. Assessing your comfort level with potential losses is essential in developing a robust money management plan. Risk tolerance varies among traders as it depends on individual financial circumstances, investment experience, and emotional resilience to market fluctuations. 

Understanding your risk tolerance helps in setting appropriate stop-loss levels, position sizes, and overall exposure to the market. It ensures that you do not take on more risk than you can handle, which can lead to panic decisions and substantial losses.

Trading Goals

These goals can be both short-term and long-term and should align with your overall financial objectives. Short-term goals might include daily or weekly profit targets, while long-term goals could focus on annual returns or portfolio growth over several years. 

Clear goals provide direction and help in creating a structured trading strategy. They also enable you to measure progress and make necessary adjustments to stay on track.

Account Size

Considering the available capital you have for trading is fundamental when formulating a money management plan. Your account size influences the amount of risk you can take and the types of trading strategies you can employ. Larger accounts can afford to diversify more effectively and withstand drawdowns better than smaller accounts. 

Smaller accounts may require more conservative risk management practices to avoid significant losses that could deplete your trading capital quickly. Understanding the limitations and opportunities provided by your account size helps in setting realistic trading parameters and expectations.

Money Management Considerations by Trading Strategy

Adapting money management strategies to specific trading strategies can help to potentially optimise trading returns and mitigate risks. Different trading approaches may require tailored trading strategies to account for the varying trade horizons, market conditions and risk tolerance.

Day Trading

In day trading, stricter risk management is vital due to the fast-paced nature of the market. Day traders typically execute multiple trades within a single day, capitalising on short-term price movements. Given the high frequency and quick turnaround of trades, smaller position sizes and tighter stop-loss orders are essential to limit potential losses and protect capital.

Volatility indicators, such as the Average True Range (ATR), can be employed to adjust position sizing based on market conditions [2]. High volatility might prompt smaller positions to manage risk, whereas low volatility could allow for slightly larger positions.

Longer-Term Trading

Longer-term trading, often involving holding positions for weeks, months, or even years, allows for more flexible position sizing due to the extended time horizon. Traders can afford to take a broader view of market trends and are less influenced by short-term price fluctuations. Some examples of long-term trading include position sizing, trading in blue-chip stocks, or trading government bonds.

However, even with a buy-and-hold strategy, risk management remains paramount. Long-term traders should still set stop-loss levels to protect against significant downturns and avoid becoming complacent with their holdings. For instance, allocating a smaller percentage of the portfolio to high-risk assets while maintaining a core position in more stable investments can help balance potential returns vs risks.

Portfolio diversification by spreading investments across different asset classes, sectors, and geographies reduces the dependency on any single market or economic factor. For example, a diversified portfolio might include a mix of stocks, bonds, commodities, and real estate. This approach helps cushion the portfolio against significant declines in one specific asset class, as gains or stability in other areas can offset potential losses.

Learn all about the difference between day trading and long-term trading with our comprehensive article on the Vantage Academy.

Tailoring Money Management for Different Asset Classes

Across different asset classes, the money management strategies would need to be adjusted as each asset class has unique characteristics which require different approaches when it comes to risk management. 

Here’s what you need to note for the different asset classes:

Forex Trading

When trading forex, leverage can amplify the potential for gains and losses. This makes conservative position sizing an important part when trading with leverage. Using a higher leverage can quickly deplete the account, so it’s important to limit the amount of capital risked on each specific trade.

Utilise a small percentage allocation of the total account balance to help you manage risk effectively when trading using leverage, ensuring you maintain control over your overall exposure.

Stock Trading

Stock trading involves dealing with varying levels of volatility across the different types of stocks traded. Highly volatile stocks may require wider stop-loss placements to avoid being stopped out by normal price fluctuations, which can otherwise lead to premature losses.

Conversely, less volatile stocks might allow for tighter stop-loss orders. Adjusting stop-loss levels based on the volatility of individual stocks can help protect your investments while allowing for potential gains.

Commodities Trading

Commodities trading involves specific factors like margin requirements, which can influence position sizing. Because commodities often require higher margins, traders need to carefully consider the amount of capital allocated to each trade. 

Properly managing margin and understanding the unique risks associated with commodities, such as price swings due to geopolitical events or weather conditions.

Backtesting your Money Management Strategies

Backtesting involves applying trading strategies to historical market data to evaluate their potential effectiveness before implementing them in real-time trading.

By using historical data to simulate trades, you can see how your strategies would have performed in the past. This process helps identify potential weaknesses and refine your trading approach, giving you more confidence when implementing your strategies in a live trading environment. Using a demo trading account for backtesting can help to provide valuable insights without having to risk your actual funds.

Risk Management Tips

Effective risk management helps traders to potentially protect their capital and ensure long-term success. By carefully managing risks, you can avoid significant losses that could deplete your funds. Additionally, proper risk management helps create a stable trading environment, allowing for more consistent performance over time.

Here are some risk management tips that apply to all traders, regardless of your skill level and trading style.

Trade Only What You Can Afford to Lose

Trade only with money you can afford to lose— known as risk capital. This means using funds that, if lost, would not impact your essential financial needs or lifestyle. 

Trading with risk capital helps you avoid excessive stress and make more rational trading decisions. By limiting your trading to risk capital, you can maintain an emotional balance and better withstand the ups and downs of the market.

Manage Your Emotions

Trading can be emotionally challenging, requiring discipline and control to avoid impulsive decisions. Staying calm and sticking to your trading plan, especially during volatile market conditions, is key.

Do not let emotions or the desire to chase losses cloud your judgement and actions, as this can lead to further mistakes and financial harm. 

Read our article covering the basics of trading psychology to help you stay disciplined and improve your trading psychology.

Risk Management Tools You Can Use at Vantage

Vantage offers several risk management tools to help traders manage their risks effectively. These include stop-loss orders, take-profit orders, and trailing stops, which can automatically close positions to limit losses or secure profits. 

Vantage also provides educational resources on risk management to help support traders in their trading journey. Additionally, Vantage offers comprehensive trading calculators to assist traders in making informed decisions.


Proper money management is the combination of implementation of effective strategies to help traders protect their capital funds while optimising their trading outcomes. By further tailoring these techniques according to the different asset classes and risk management tools can help traders to navigate the markets.
Ready to start trading CFDs? Open a live account with Vantage now and explore the diverse range of CFDs available.


  1. “2% Rule: Definition As Investing Strategy, With Examples – Investopedia”. Accessed 27 May 2024.
  2. “Average True Range (ATR) Formula, What It Means, and How to Use It – Investopedia”. Accessed 27 May 2024.
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